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Global Insights 🌍: From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe: Afghanistan

🌌 Land of the Blue Sky: Afghanistan is sometimes called the "Land of the Blue Sky" due to its clear, sunny skies that dominate much of the year, offering breathtakingly vivid azure vistas.

🛤️ Historical Crossroads: Afghanistan has been a historical crossroad between the East and West. The famous Silk Road ran through its heart, facilitating trade and cultural exchange between Asia, Europe, and the Middle East for centuries.

🐐 National Game - Buzkashi: Buzkashi, which translates to "goat pulling," is Afghanistan's national sport. It's a traditional and highly competitive game where horse-mounted players vie to place a goat carcass in a goal. This ancient game is a test of skill, strength, and horsemanship.

🕌 Minaret of Jam: The Minaret of Jam, a UNESCO World Heritage site in Afghanistan, is a stunning 12th-century structure. Standing at about 65 meters tall, it's an outstanding example of Islamic architecture and decoration and provides insight into the history and culture of the region.

💎 Lapis Lazuli: Afghanistan is known for having some of the world's richest deposits of lapis lazuli, a deep blue metamorphic rock used as a semi-precious stone since ancient times. This vibrant blue stone has been mined in the Badakhshan province for over 6,000 years and was highly prized by ancient civilizations across Egypt, Mesopotamia, and beyond.

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